Free Time on Hava & Adam

A video by Ari Satanowski from the April-May Internship Prog…

Marissa Block Mastors

Participant in Eco 5 At what point in your life did you…

Cara Gold

Cara hails from the cold, but sometimes-sunny climate of Ottawa,…

Becca Droz

Becca Droz, from Sixburgh a.k.a. The City of Champions a.k.a.…

Karin Fleisch

Karin credits Eco-Israel with strengthening her commitment to…

Allie Levin

Participant in Eco 12   Which Eco program did…

Keith Michalak

Participant in Eco 13 Which Eco program did you do? And…

Maxi Adelstein

Participant in Eco 5   My name is Maxi Adelstein…

Zoe Brownstone

Participant in Eco 9   I did Eco 9 starting in…

Less is More

Zoë and Steph, two Eco16 participants from the US, started this…