Kyla Bernberg (Orah)

Participant in Eco 14

What did you learn on the farm, which you still practice in your life today?

Cooking skills and the ability to be creative and productive with freetime

What are you doing now?  

Studying at Tel Aviv University

How did your experience on the Eco program impact the direction of your life?

It lead me to continue living in Israel- it also made me more environmentally aware with everyday life and appreciate nature in a complete way

What was the most important thing you took away from the Eco program?

Nature skills and self awareness

What is your fondest memory of the Eco experience?

Living on the farm in nature with the bare necessities and doing art


1 reply
  1. Doreen Bernberg
    Doreen Bernberg says:

    I am kyla’s Mom. It is so amazing to read how similar we are. My love of art and nature was passed on to me by my father and will continue to flourish for generations to come. Thanks Dad!


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